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Yoast WooCommerce SEO: Schema output

The schema output for our WooCommerce SEO plugin builds upon the Yoast SEO schema output, to add additional detail about products and ecommerce functionality.

Core functionality

On all pages

  • Remove WooCommerce's breadcrumb schema.

On product pages

  • Change the @type of the WebPage piece into ItemPage.
  • Alter the Product piece.
    • Apply our validation logic to each existing WooCommerce piece /value.
    • Add a mainEntityOfPage property to the Product, referencing the WebPage by ID.
    • Set the brand and manufacturer properties, based on taxonomy settings.
    • Set the seller to the Organization (or Person ) which is set as the Publisher of the WebSite.
    • Stitch offers, review and/or aggregateRating values into the graph (when available / as appropriate).
    • Unset the datePublished and dateModified values from the ItemPage.


  • Customize the Yoast product schema with the wpseo_schema_product filter. See Product Schema pieces for more information.
  • Customize the offer part of the product schema with the wpseo_schema_offer filter. See Offer Schema pieces for more information.

On checkout pages

  • Change the @type of the WebPage piece to CheckoutPage.

More information